LTW Testimonails
I had been living in Los Angeles for about a month when I met Dwayna at the Lighting The Way table in 2002. I had been looking for a church home and fellowship with other Christians and stopped at her table after noticing the sign she was displaying: “See what God says about your future...for FREE.” She invited me to attend church with her, and I found a new home at her church. LA can be a lonely place, and had it not been for Dwayna and Lighting The Way, I would have not found a church home at the CMA church of Santa Monica where I met some of the wonderful people I now can call my friends. Lighting The Way is a real blessing and much needed addition to the Venice boardwalk. In the presence so many mystics and fortunetellers, it’s refreshing to see people sharing the true Gospel of Jesus Christ with gentleness, love, and respect.JosephUSA
Dear Dwayna, You are one of our Lord's best camouflaged foot soldiers (and generals) for the cause of his kingdom against the powers of darkness. Keep keeping on. Your reward awaits you.JohnCape Town, South Africa