Category Archives: Missional Movement

“God kinda got a hold of my heart, man.” (New Lingo With New Pastors)

Below is an excerpt from a recent blog post by Mark Driscoll. (His venue, The Resurgence, is gaining popularity.) Of course, he is dressed in jeans for the "new Christians" who are tired of the old ways, as well as … Continue reading

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Somnolent “Manifestos” and Silly “New Ideas” (compared to the Bible)!

The Wall Street Journal has an insightful piece on "Evangelical Manifesto" here .

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Refusal to Acknowledge the Seriousness of the Sin-Syndrome

What was the message of the false prophets of Israel? Generally, they didn’t speak against the Mosaic Law. They were merely preaching a “feel good” message, one that was popular among the people.

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