LTW Testimonails
Dear Dwayna, I wanted to let you know that I was so blessed speaking with your mother at the table she had set up in Smoky Mountain National Park on Saturday, Sept. 20th, 2008. God is so good!! I had a chance to take some of your literature, and I really appreciate your ministry outreach and the willingness to pray with others I experienced firsthand that day. We sure had a little taste of how Satan is trying to destroy ministries that proclaim the good news, BUT we also had a chance to see how, as Christian sisters, we were able to uplift one another in prayer. [While I was praying at the LTW to the Smokies booth with your mother, a man filled with vitriol was trying to disrupt our prayer.] I really never had such an experience like that...I felt as though Satan was really present and using another person at the park to try and distract us from praying openly that day....Wow, what an eye opener God gave me to keep on my toes for Satan's sly tactics! Keep on keeping on for the Lord...You are doing a great job. God bless you, sister, and keep up God's calling on your life.Joanne PattersonCosby, TN
The Great Commission speaks of going into all the world and telling the Good News of Jesus Christ. What if the world came to you? That is what has happened at Venice Beach on Ocean Front Walk. Lighting The Way ministries, led by Dwayna Litz, exists to share God’s grace to people from all over the world. Lighting The Way seeks not only to share the Gospel with others, but also to provide a platform where the Christian community in Southern CA can join in to be equipped in evangelism, as well. A variety of individuals, students, and church groups have worked the booth and have come away strengthened and challenged…LTW also helps build trust among the beach locals and the vendors for long term relationships. I have had the privilege of discipling one-on-one someone who came to our church, after being invited from LTW. That person has taken off in his walk with God. It is exciting to be a part of Lighting The Way Worldwide, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world.JasonPastor, Evanston Bible ChurchEvanston, IL