LTW Testimonails
Dear Dwayna, You are one of our Lord's best camouflaged foot soldiers (and generals) for the cause of his kingdom against the powers of darkness. Keep keeping on. Your reward awaits you.JohnCape Town, South Africa
Dwayna, the CD you sent answered my question (about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant), but it is going to be a blessing beyond measure for a friend. He is very sad right now...He and his wife are coming to dinner today. I will give the CD to him. You are blessed with the Holy Spirit to recall this particular pastor's message to answer my question (about the Passover, comparing the faith of Abraham to the faith of Christians through Jesus), but most of all this will be such a blessing to my friend. Thank you also for the book on Heaven (by Randy Alcorn).Bev WilhelmWitnesses for Jesus MinistriesColorado Springs, CO