Lighting The Way is a nonprofit, evangelistic ministry funded solely by Christians and churches and is not under the umbrella of any denominational missions’ organization. We appreciate your support. No funds are solicited. Rather, we pray for God to burden hearts of His people to keep this ministry going for His glory. Donations can be made online with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express or by logging into a PayPal account. We appreciate your tax deductible contribution in this evangelistic outreach as we make a stand for the Bible together for God’s glory.
Lighting the Way
P.O. Box 15686
Sarasota, FL 34277
Dwayna Litz
“Are we not poor? Do we not die poor? And would we not be poor indeed without God’s infinite mercy and love? We came out of nothing, and if we are anything, it is because God is everything. Heaven in this life and heaven in the life to come is not on a monetary standard. Nor can flesh and blood find the door to the kingdom of heaven with its contentment, peace, joy, and happiness. Only those who are poor in spirit and are rich toward God shall be accounted worthy to enter there, because they come not in their own merit but in the righteousness of the Redeemer.”
—Billy Graham, The Secret of Happiness