Exposing Pagan…Occult Teachings in The Shack


William P. Young’s fictional novel "The Shack is still the #1 NY Times Bestseller, 36 weeks running, over 6 million in print."[http://windblownmedia.com/]

However, THE SHACK is filled with New Age teaching, and pagan occult ideas that undermine the Gospel of Jesus Christ.    (Click here to see our SRN ‘The Shack’ archive page.)

Deep Concern For Those Being Influenced By The Shack

This book is being used by many Christians as an evangelism tool and of late we have heard that it is being used as a Bible Study tool for a local church nearby. 

Sadly, several Calvary Chapel ministers [have endorsed], and many, many more in other fellowships and denominations, are not speaking out against this false teaching, and many are willing to carry the book in their bookstores.  Some churches are even allowing William P. Young, the author, to come speak at their churches. 

From a biblical perspective as well as a former Calvary Pastor myself, I believe most Calvary Pastors would caution against endorsing or promoting this book, let alone using it to ‘teach us about God and Jesus’.  I caution people regularly about this book and the false Gospel and occult teachings that it conveys.

To note, ‘Papa‘, the rolereversal female illustration for God the Father, is actually…. "Papa: The Goddess of Nature and the Hawaiian Goddess of the Divine Feminine and Magnetism"…

These articles and links can all be found on the BRAND NEW Spiritual Research Network ‘THE SHACK’ archive page.

Spriritual Research Network in Agreement with Calvary Chapel Distribution Not Giving Endorsement to William P. Young’s, The Shack
– By Chris Lawson (Spiritual Research Network)
Review of THE SHACK from Calvary Distribution by Calvary Distribution (Posted by keyansoltani in Untagged, August 3, 2008)
UPDATE ON THE SHACK: New Age Similarities, Continued Popularity, and Calvary Chapel Official Statement by Lighthouse Trails
The Shack’s Wayne Jacobsen Resonates with Contemplative and Emerging Writers by Lighthouse Trails
The Shack and Its New Age Leaven – God IN Everything? by Warren Smith
(Former New Age practitioner Warren Smith warns of the New Age teachings in The Shack)
The Shack: Father-goddess Rising by John Lanagan
(Exposes occult aspects, including ‘Papa [female Hawaiian goddess] in The Shack)
Deceived by a counterfeit "Jesus" – The twisted "truths" of The Shack & A Course in Miracles by Berit Kjos
(Exposing dangerous occult teachings brought forth through The Shack and A Course in Miracles [spiritism])
The Shack: Imagination, Image, and Idolatry by Larry DeBruyn
(Expose’ on the dangerous dynamics of vain imaginations that lead to subtle and blatant idolatry – in The Shack)
RELATIONSHIP ON THE ROCKS! by Pastor Larry Debruyn
(The Consequence of Role-Reversals in The Shack – Part  1)
(The Consequence of Role-Reversals in The Shack – Part 2)
Shocked by The Shack by Mike Oppenheimer (Let Us Reason Ministries)
(Expose’ on The Shack –  "A popular allegory that changes Jesus and Christianity")
A Reader’s Review of The Shack by Tim Challies
(An in-depth expose’ of the false teachings found William P. Young book, The Shack)
The Shack by William P. Young: A Book Review – by Pastor Gary Gilley
The Shack: Evangelicals "Shacking Up" with new Age Concepts – by Orrel Steinkamp
In My Father’s House There Are Many SHACKS? – by Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker
(A Critical Essay of William Paul Young’s THE SHACK – Part 1)
A GOD MADE IN OUR OWN IMAGE – by Pastor Jeffrey Whittaker
(A Critical Essay of William Paul Young’s THE SHACK – Part 2)

‘Shack’ opens doors, but critics call book ‘scripturally incorrect’ by USA Today

These articles and links can all be found on the BRAND NEW Spiritual Research Network ‘THE SHACK’ archive page

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