Hello Everyone,
Andrew had come out to West Hollywood to witness to the homosexuals, but he felt as if he had made a mistake by coming. He stood to the side of a building by himself and asked God why in the world he had ended up attempting to witness in such an environment. Just when he had decided to never return, a boy approached him who looked to be about 13 years old. The boy asked, "Do you want to buy me?" Andrew looked him in the eyes and wondered if he had misunderstood.
"What did you say?"
The lad replied, "Do you want to take me home? Do you want to buy me?"
That very moment Andrew’s heart changed toward the homosexuals. God gave him a love and a burden to see them saved, and he has been coming out to witness in West Hollywood ever since.
I was thinking about stories like this one day when God gave me a song. I was thinking of all of the people I had met in the mission field of Venice Beach and West Hollywood who have been sexually abused as children, so often not close to their parents.(The homosexual men have usually not had a close relationship with their fathers and the women have usually been lacking a bond with their mothers. Both the men and women resist the notion of coming to God as "Father", though it is exactly what they need) . I have seen hard hearts soften and turn toward Him when we explain what a pure and loving Heavenly Father the God of the Bible is…
One day at Venice Beach, I was watching my old friend Abraham on one of his infamous jeremiads. He was recruiting the homeless to rebel against the boardwalk laws and such, and I was reminded of how many times I had tried to witness to him…and how many prayers I had prayed for his hard heart to come to Jesus … I thought that perhaps he would like to hear my song! After all, he was an “artist” on the boardwalk. Perhaps God would use the music to touch his heart…(Abraham is one of the toughest people at the beach, and I have only seen him speechless and nervous twice—once when I offered him a free ticket to come and see “The Passion” movie with us, and the other time was when I sang him the chorus of this song. He gets nervous when the Holy Spirit starts to draw him. It is really something to observe, that clashing of the spirits. Though Abraham calls himself “Abraham, the Moslem,” he has a reputation as a Satanist. His favorite slogan is "One Love." He "rules" the boardwalk every week there amongst the beatniks and calls Venice Beach with the inverted pentagrams painted on the sidewalks, "heaven on earth").
I approached him and said, “Abraham, I have written a song. Would you like to hear it?” He answered, “Sure.” He looked down at the ground with a smile and leaned in toward me for me to sing it in his ear. I sang the chorus very slowly and softly. As I sang it to him I prayed that God would touch his heart. He kept looking down and hesitated when I was done. He said slowly, “That was beautiful.” He looked up and wiped away a tear. This guy who normally acts like a wild man on the beach there for a moment was just like a docile, fragile child. He repeated, “That was beautiful.” I realized then and there that God had given me a song for His glory to touch hearts and draw people to Jesus.
I have wondered since if God would ever let me finish the song, because all I had was a chorus for many years. Just a few weeks ago the verses came right out of the blue! I pray that God will provide the money for me to record it and make it available for free to the homosexuals in West Hollywood, the sexually abused at Venice Beach and Boulder and NYC, and in Long Beach, CA, through our new ministry scheduled to begin there this year to the homosexuals and prostitutes. Here are the full lyrics:
You with the got off to a bad start
Come to Me
You with the empty walk alone heart
Come to Me
And I will embrace you where you are
You might think it’s too good to be true
Cause no counterfeit spirit’s ever offered this to you, no
I wanna be a Daddy to ya
I won’t lie, molest or use ya
I’m a God with pure love for your soul
I wanna be a Daddy to ya
Let Me be your Heavenly Father
I wanna make your lonely heart a home
You with the cryin’ all night eyes
Come to Me
You with the one too many goodbyes
Come to Me
And I’ll be a shoulder you can lean on
If you want a King who has suffered more
And ransomed your life before you were born, oh
Let me be a Daddy to ya
I won’t lie, molest or use ya
I’m a God with the pure love you’ve never known
I wanna be a Daddy to ya
Let Me be your Heavenly Father
I wanna make your lonely heart a home
Let me give your lonely,
I wanna make your lonely heart a home
The Lord gave me this song the evening of April 14th, the same day I did an interview with Jan Markell on her radio show. He was so merciful and gracious to use me and speak through me as I was privileged to make a stand for Him and the Bible with Jill Martin Rische and Jan as we discussed evangelical feminism on the air. I want to thank many of you for praying for me. To hear the interview go to: http://www.olivetreeviews.org/radio/mp3/. (Scroll down to the bottom of the Understanding the Times web page below pictures to April 14th, 2007, Second Hour).
For pictures from this month of the ministry and mission field of West Hollywood go to: http://lightingtheway.blogspot.com/2007/04/mission-field-of-west-hollywood.html.
Things are moving right along for beginning the new ministry to NYC , http://lightingtheway.blogspot.com/2007/04/storage-unit-for-new-ministry-to-nyc.html and our second sign for the ministry is being designed by a graphic artist at Kinko’s. I go back to view it tomorrow . I purchased about $60.00 more of supplies for the booth at Staples this weekend, such as a tract rack and a plastic bin for all of the books and tracts. Now, I plan to go to Home Depot for a table, chairs, and bungee cords to hold everything on the dolly. Since the last update, we have ordered tracts against evolution from Ray Comfort, including “Science Confirms the Bible,” tracts in Chinese from American Tract Society and excellent new tracts for Jewish people entitled “God Will Provide Himself a Lamb” (taken from Exodus 12:3-5), pointing the Jews to their Yeshua (Messiah) in Jesus from the International Board of Jewish Missions. We also have tracts just for our NYC location from Chapel Library of sermons from the 1700s to 1800s! These have such depth and are now my favorite tracts. I believe the New Yorkers who stop by the booth will appreciate these messages in tract form, from long before the Gospel got dumbed down through the irreverent emergent church movement and sac-religious, slang “Bible translations.” Our new tracts from Mount Zion include How Shall I Go to God? by Horatius Bonar (1808-1889); The Gospel– What Is It? by James Haldane (1768-1851), “Beautiful Snow”: A Message by Thomas Buchanon Read to Youth from 1870, (based on a poem), and Do You Know Jesus Christ? Tracts for Jehovah’s Witnesses and Mormons for our new booth in NYC will be from my friend, Christy Darlington, at www.witforjesus.org, and they are on the way. We will also be using tracts by Daniel Mann on apologetics based on logic and the Bible out at the booth when it begins. We got in new copies of sermons by Walter Martin, “Miracles” and “Reasons for Faith”, for the booth and copies of my music CDs just this week to also go on the table. We are getting closer to seeing this new ministry in action!
Mike and Bob have continued to be at work on the weekends in Venice Beach at the booth, and they have said they will send an update soon with pictures. Rosemary is taking inventory of the storage bin for the Boulder ministry, becoming more abreast of our articles, tracts, and books and will begin as the leader out on there on Pearl Street soon. Mike and Dan witnessed last Sunday at the Earth Day Fair in San Diego, and they said they will be sending pictures and an update in the next few days which will be posted on the blog. Hector and Cecilia continue to be faithful out in Santa Monica weekly, feeding the homeless a hot meal and sharing with them the Gospel at the “Church of the Open Air” on Ocean Avenue on Sundays.
This weekend I met a woman here in NYC who had been diagnosed two weeks ago with cancer. She looked to be in her late seventies or eighties. I asked her if I could pray for her. She said she was Jewish, and she said she was "trying" to believe in God. She had been told I was a Christian by a mutual friend. I asked, "Can I pray for you right now?" She said, "Yes, that would be lovely." I prayed for God to draw her and make Himself known to her. I prayed for healing of the cancer,and I prayed for her to find peace with the Prince of Peace and for God to shield her during this time and let her know she is not alone. I ended the prayer asking all of that "in the name of Jesus," realizing I may have been crossing the line with her that moment. Of course, most Jewish people would resist a prayer in the name of Jesus. But she looked up and hugged me and said, "I want you to know I am very touched." She turned to walk away and then came back to me and said, "That was so nice of you to pray for me. No one has ever done that for me in my whole entire life."
"God makes a home for the lonely." (Psalm 68:6)
In the deep, deep love of Jesus and the joy of feeling Him near,