Guadalajara, Mexico

We have a new partnership in missions in Guadalajara, Mexico with Josef and Lina Urban. We purchased more tracts from Randy Alcorn on Heaven in Spanish [ ]to add to the tracts by Mike Gendron in Spanish [ ] for this table outreach to reach Catholics in Mexico. I sent Josef and Lina a sign in Spanish for their table reading “A Free Gift for You”, just like we have in all our locations: Un Regalo Gratis Para Usted.

The following photos and summaries will touch your heart as you see Josef already ministering at a table outreach to the people of Guadalajara. I used to pray with his wife, Lina, at Grace Community Church when this ministry first began. What a pleasure to now be serving God together in Mexico through this partnership. They will need prayer and more Bibles and tracts in Spanish on a regular basis. They have asked for more Spanish Bibles, and I promised to present that need to all our prayer partners for God to provide. There is no extra money at this time to order more Spanish Bibles for them, so please pray about meeting this need and making a tax-deductible donation for this new outreach location of apologetics in Mexico!

“For from of old they have not heard nor perceived by ear, neither has the eye seen a God besides Thee, who acts in behalf of the one who waits for Him.” Isaiah 64:4
For current news about this ministry, please visit Pure Gospel Truth

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