Go to LTW blog for links to testimonials from a person who has taken the Leadership Education seminar. Plus, don’t miss out on a research video where they took hidden cameras inside the Landmark Education Forum in France. Get ready for a dark spirit unleashed on unsuspecting people. (Click here ).
LTW Testimonails
I just got back from Venice, and I had a blast! ... It also challenged me to learn about different religions to more effectively reach the lost. Three people listened to me present the gospel message of salvation, and that was just an amazing experience for me! You are an inspiration to us by the way you spend so much of your time and energy with these people you could so easily avoid. Thank you for letting our group come down to minister at Venice. I look forward to working beside you again soon.Jennifer McNettFaith Community ChurchPalmdale, CA
The world's colleges and universities, even Christian ones, cannot possibly teach wisdom, other than the wisdom of the world which will burn up one day. To fear the Lord is to lay up treasures in heaven, which will not burn. Dwayna, there is much wisdom in what you write that can only come from God and your faith in Him who gives understanding (in many things.) Your attitude and demeanor shows godly grace and compassion....not seen very often among women (and men,) college-educated or not. As you continually abide in Christ, He will direct your paths and bring to you more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as needed in your work and sanctification. You have and are impacting many people, including me. Your example played a part in me seeking to learn how to truly study the Bible. I've done "Bible study" before, mainly following study guides like the Navigators or whatever my Sunday School class would happen to use. I've been in many different denominations over the years and often times their classes or study guides would only focus on their denominations particular nuaces, like "baptism of the Holy Spirit." But there have been times when I have gone long periods without studying or reading the Bible at all. So in March I asked Jay Wegter for suggestions on Bible study and am going from there.TimUSA