Latest Ministry Updates

Hello Everyone,

We certainly have a lot for which to praise the Lord this summer. He has been keeping me close, and just feeling Him near is such a great reward and joy in my life, much less how He uses us mercifully for His glory in the thrill of telling people about Jesus!

We have a new ministry beginning this month in Long Beach, CA. Pictures and details of the mission field and our new mobile cart are posted on the blog here:


I visited CA last month to work the booths and updates from Venice Beach are posted here with pictures (We worked with a youth group from Faith Community Church, Palmdale, CA)!: and

Here is a brief update on West Hollywood, CA, at our Heart for Him booth with photos:

Pictures from last weekend at the NYC booth are pictured here:

Tonight I am doing a radio interview about how demons “adulterate” the word of God by taking verses out of context to promote demonic doctrines and mock Jesus. It will be on Watchman Radio, and I will be in touch with details on how it can be heard online. We will also be discussing the perils of Evangelical Feminism.

We will be adding sermons by Pastor Hollie Miller at Sevier Heights Baptist Church in TN for the lost at our booth locations. We are in the process of making copies. Some sermon notes are posted here:

New resources for the NYC booth are detailed here: and

“Footsteps of Jesus…make the pathway glow…” God has been giving me some great times in prayer. I decided to write about some of my prayer time with Him as I sing hymns to Him and present my requests at His throne of mercy, as Jesus intercedes for me. I ask Him to rebuke Satan from my life and from this ministry, and He is faithful. What a thrill it is to “watch and pray” as the old hymn “Jesus Paid It All” reminds me to do. I thought of that lyric today and was encouraged and drawn once again to pray.

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