New York City

The LTW outreach table currently sets up in NYC at Columbus Circle with free materials specifically for Jews, Muslims, atheists, agnostics, Buddhists, Hindus, Catholics and people involved in occult spirituality, explaining to anyone who approaches the table why we believe in Jesus as the only Savior. No one is turned away, and everyone is treated with respect and love. All conversations are based on logic, and there is no yelling whatsoever or randomly handing out of tracts.

This approach is much appreciated by the people of NYC. Everyone who takes a book or Bible promises to read whatever is taken before we give it at no charge. There are also CDs by Walter Martin (the original “Bible Answer Man”) on topics such as “The Riddle of Reincarnation” and “Transcendental Meditation” from a Christian perspective, as well as articles on Baha’i and explanations to disprove Gnostic interpretations of the Bible.

Materials for Christians include sermons by various pastors including Erwin Lutzer’s sermon “One Minute After You Die” and radio programs from Jan Markell’s Olive Tree Ministries on current events from a Christian perspective. Free Hebrew/English New Testaments are offered to Jewish people along with a list of prophecies Jesus fulfilled from the Old Testament to the New. We have sermons, tracts and Bibles in many different languages for tourists when we set up the outreach table at Columbus Circle. The Catholics appreciate our tract “Scripture vs. Tradition,” and most people take a copy of the witnessing booklet by John Blanchard, Where Was God on Sept. 11th?

All answers are based on what the Bible teaches. Lighting the Way Worldwide is an evangelistic outreach of apologetics, planting seeds, sharing the Gospel and referring people to attend a Bible teaching church in Manhattan. We have set up in various places all over the city since 2007. Please join our outreach at Columbus Circle this spring, summer and fall.

Click here for photos to see this NYC outreach in action down through the years.

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