Precious Persecution Verses

Joe Schimmel brought out the following verses this morning in his sermon. The whole sermon also brought to mind a new favorite passage of mine: Mark 10:29-30. I could have listened to him preach on persecution for hours. It was a great sermon.

Luke 6:22 (favorite verse of the day)
Prov. 29:10
Matthew 10:16, 20-28
Acts 4:13 (Disciples were called "ignorant" and "unlearned" men; God got all the glory for their knowledge; people were jealous of the power of the Holy Spirit in them and persecuted them)
John 15:18-19 (Jesus says to abide in Him…and then He prepares them for persecution)
1 John 3: 12-13
Matthew 24:9-14
John 16:1,2
Isaiah 5:20
Daniel 7:25, 12:7 (Antichrist shatters the power of the "holy people"–Satan attacks God and His people)
Revelation 12:9
Revelation 13:4
Revelation 22:18-19

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