Rescuing Orphans in the Philippines

We are now partnering with Offer Them Christ and The Rescue Ministries to give orphans a home in the Philippines in N. Sebu/Liloan. These orphan children have literally been left in a trash dump to survive with no father or mother. Lighting the Way is providing funds to support a Christian orphanage and Bibles and materials about Jesus for the orphans in English and in their language of Visayan and Sebuana. Please help support these children by giving monetary donations for basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. The Christian orphanage has just begun, and it is called the Wesley Home for Youth. (It is not affiliated with the Methodist Church; it is supported by a Baptist Church in East TN and by Christians like Dustin and Sheryl Gent who began this beautiful work). We want to do our part to provide for these kids. It is named after John Wesley because of his heart for the poor. The ministry belongs to God, but it is OUR ministry as Christians as we give to these kids in the name of Jesus.

They have 20 orphans now in a home, ages 4 to 17. We have had refrigerators donated and clothing and shoes and are need of anything we can get for the kids. What we take for granted, such as tubes of toothpaste, would be an answer to prayer for these children. The last photo below shows them clean and healthy in a place of rest where they are loved.

Please go to and to find out more. Tax deductible contributions can be made by credit card via our LTW web site or directly to these sites for The Rescue Ministries.

“It is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God our Father to visit orphans and widows in their distress…” James 1:27

“God makes a home for the lonely.” Psalm 68:6

Help Lighting the Way give these kids Bibles and evangelistic materials for children and teens, so they can know of their Heavenly Father’s Love.

Updates are also posted at

Watch “The Lord’s Prayer” video for photos of orphans in the Philippines we help rescue and give Bibles.

Philippine Orphans with Their Bibles!

The orphans in the Philippines got the Bibles we shipped over for them. Thank you for the donations to provide the orphans with these Bibles!

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