I just got back from Venice, and I had a blast! ... It also challenged me to learn about different religions to more effectively reach the lost. Three people listened to me present the gospel message of salvation, and that was just an amazing experience for me! You are an inspiration to us by the way you spend so much of your time and energy with these people you could so easily avoid. Thank you for letting our group come down to minister at Venice. I look forward to working beside you again soon.
Jennifer McNett
Faith Community Church
Palmdale, CA
I was raised a Moslem. I had heard about Jesus, but no one had ever told me that I was a sinner with no way of earning God’s favor, based on my own effort. Dwayna told me that Jesus died for my sins, and I started to cry. I knew in my heart that it was true. She asked me if I wanted to become a Christian, and I told her that I did. I prayed and asked God to forgive me of my sins. Dwayna gave me a Bible and a devotional and marked certain verses to read. I am looking forward to getting to know the One true God by reading the Bible every day. I am now a Christian, trusting Jesus as my Savior.