LTW Testimonails
I am a single mother with four daughters. We live in a motor home, and my daughters met Dwayna on Ocean Front Walk. We have so appreciated her gifts, including the clothing donations to our family. We have enjoyed and learned so much from the commentary of the Gospel of John she gave us.. Thanks to Lighting The Way, we are able to study the Bible every night now as a family.KatieUSA
I passed by the table several times before stopping. The banner reading “A Free gift for You” got my attention. I spoke with Dwayna for over an hour. She told me all about Jesus and gave me a Bible. I had never prayed before, at the age of 53. I thought much about our conversation. I attended church that night and spoke with Dwayna and her pastor further about becoming a Christian. Now, I’ll never be the same again. I have started reading the Bible I got at the Lighting The Way table every day and telling people about Jesus. I called my daughter in England and said, “Are you sitting down? I have become a Christian.”DonEngland