LTW Testimonails
Dear Dwayna, You are one of our Lord's best camouflaged foot soldiers (and generals) for the cause of his kingdom against the powers of darkness. Keep keeping on. Your reward awaits you.JohnCape Town, South Africa
Dwayna, Thank you so much for answering my questions so quickly. You answered my questions pertaining to the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood views. You posted an article on your website that allowed me see the truth of where CBE stands. I would have never known what their true position was, had it not been for you. Thank you. You helped me to understand the danger of taking sides. These two organizations have been battling it out for years, even bringing the Trinity into it, to support their debates! I'm not taking sides with either of these two groups. I'm going to stay focused on what God commands us to do, and that is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love to read all your articles; they are so informing, and I have a safe place to go and get an objective second opinion. I really do hope I meet you someday. Well...I'm most certain I will. :- ) Thanks again, Dwayna, you really encourage me to be steadfast and strong about my beliefs. I will be pressing on. The article you emailed me today was so uplifting. Love and many blessings,MelaniePA, USA