Who’s Guiding the Olympic Vision?

This article deals with the history and globalist purpose of the Olympics – a reminder of its aims to stir the imagination and instill an interfaith worldview in the minds of viewers. Working with the world leaders such as Kissinger, it fits into the vision of a new world order. Here are the first two paragraphs:

Ancient myths, human might, a massive marketing system!. These visible signs of the modern Olympics stir the imagination and draw the masses. They also hide the global politics and the cold-hearted pragmatism behind the scenes. For Olympic masters celebrate the strong and mighty, but they show little compassion for the poor and weak, whose homes are razed to build stadiums, beautify surroundings, and impress visitors.

The history of the Olympics takes us back to about 776 B.C. — the apparent birth of the original Greek games — when superstitious mortals worshipped ancient gods on Mount Olympus. This extended family of promiscuous deities was ruled by Zeus and birthed by Gaea (Gaia), supposedly the mother goddess of all.

Read full article here about the subtle, spiritual messages and globalist agenda of the Olympics 2008. Meanwhile, masked by the hype of the Olympics, persecution continues in China for Christians:

House Churches Ready to Welcome Brother Bush; Deeply Disappointed in his Visit to the TSPM: "When the news came that President Bush will visit Kuanjie Protestant Church of the TSPM that serves the Chinese government, it caused widespread concern among the house churches. They believe that the Chinese rulers have been consistently cheating and ridiculing their guests from overseas by winning popularity through misleading the public and by mixing the false with the genuine. Through these means, they intensify their persecution on the house churches. President Bush’s visit to the TSPM’s Kuanjie Protestant Church will certainly be utilized by the Chinese Communists.

"…one of the Christian leaders… in Beijing, said with much disappointment: ‘One of the most important means with which the Chinese Communists persecute the churches in China is strengthening the TSPM churches that it establishes and controls. Bush’s visit to the TSPM will surely give out a wrong signal that President Bush endorses the TSPM churches.’” See Persecution

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