
  • “I gave my granddaughter some materials from your table outreach when I met you last year here at your outreach at the Smoky Mountain National Park. I just wanted you to know my granddaughter read everything I gave her from your table, and she is now saved and has been baptized. Thank you for being part of God’s work in salvation to my granddaughter through your outreach materials for children. It is so nice to see you again here still doing the Lord’s work in evangelism at the Sugarlands Visitors Center, outside of Gatlinburg, TN.”
    Charleston, South Carolina
  • “I prayed with you to become a Christian at the Long Island Railroad, at your outreach table in 2013. I said I was ‘trying’ to be a Christian, and you told me it was nothing I could do on my own. Praying to Jesus to save me with you touched my heart to the point of tears, and I have never been the same.”
    Brooklyn, NY
  • “I gave my son a tract from your table and had been praying for his salvation. I came home to find him down on his knees in prayer, asking for God to forgive him of his sins, with the tract I got from your table in front of him as he prayed. His repentance was an answer to my prayers. He had read the tract I got from your ministry table before praying to God for salvation. Thank you so much for your outreach.”
    New York, NY
  • “Dwayna's passion to love Jesus Christ, serve the Lord and to proclaim Him as the Way, the Truth and the Life throughout the world is an infectious blessing in the kingdom of God. It is an honor and privilege to work with her and to take part in what little way I can with Dwayna and with those who are associated with, partnered in, and ministering alongside Lighting the Way.”
    Pastor Jon Cardwell
    Sovereign Grace Baptist Church
    Anniston, AL
  • Dwayna, Thank you so much for answering my questions so quickly. You answered my questions pertaining to the Council of Biblical Manhood and Womanhood views. You posted an article on your website that allowed me see the truth of where CBE stands. I would have never known what their true position was, had it not been for you. Thank you. You helped me to understand the danger of taking sides. These two organizations have been battling it out for years, even bringing the Trinity into it, to support their debates! I'm not taking sides with either of these two groups. I'm going to stay focused on what God commands us to do, and that is spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ. I love to read all your articles; they are so informing, and I have a safe place to go and get an objective second opinion. I really do hope I meet you someday. Well...I'm most certain I will. :- ) Thanks again, Dwayna, you really encourage me to be steadfast and strong about my beliefs. I will be pressing on. The article you emailed me today was so uplifting. Love and many blessings,
    PA, USA
  • Dear Dwayna, I wanted to let you know that I was so blessed speaking with your mother at the table she had set up in Smoky Mountain National Park on Saturday, Sept. 20th, 2008. God is so good!! I had a chance to take some of your literature, and I really appreciate your ministry outreach and the willingness to pray with others I experienced firsthand that day. We sure had a little taste of how Satan is trying to destroy ministries that proclaim the good news, BUT we also had a chance to see how, as Christian sisters, we were able to uplift one another in prayer. [While I was praying at the LTW to the Smokies booth with your mother, a man filled with vitriol was trying to disrupt our prayer.] I really never had such an experience like that...I felt as though Satan was really present and using another person at the park to try and distract us from praying openly that day....Wow, what an eye opener God gave me to keep on my toes for Satan's sly tactics! Keep on keeping on for the Lord...You are doing a great job. God bless you, sister, and keep up God's calling on your life.
    Joanne Patterson
    Cosby, TN
  • "Dear Dwayna, Your website and literature have been a blessing and a help that has touched many lives. You've given me information that I otherwise would not know how to get. It was a God thing meeting you, because He knew the questions I had, and He gave me the answers through you. I can honestly say that I have been blessed eternally. Thank You so much and may God bless you everyday! "
    Carole Hollis
    Louisville, TN
  • Amanda and I went with three women from Sonrise Church (Amy Hall, Awilda, and Michelle Spieler) to hand out bagels to the homeless and pass out tracts on the Venice Boardwalk...I had prayed the day before...over Venice Beach... The people seemed much more receptive than last time. Amanda remarked that more people seemed open to receive the tracts and fliers, and that’s when I remembered that I had prayed specifically for God to bind the powers of darkness, so they could not interfere with what we were doing. Most of the people selling their wares and trinkets down there are selling occult things, giving psychic readings and fortune-telling, etc...The devil has a hold on that territory, but we were able to go in and spread the "glorious light of the gospel of Jesus Christ" today...We gave out fliers and tracts (even in other languages) to people there between 8:00 and 9:30 this morning. We spoke to the homeless, who took most of the bagels, the joggers and walkers, the ones just having coffee and reading the paper, and the vendors setting up their shops or tables. We are rejoicing in the Lord’s goodness in allowing us to spread the Word and plant the seed of the gospel, and we pray that it has fallen on good ground, and that He will produce His harvest through it.
    Dorothea Hooper
    Love Lifted Me Recovery
    Venice, CA
  • Hi Dwayna, Thanks for the info you’ve sent me. We appreciate your trip to our Sunday School class so much. What you had to say [about the New Age Movement and yoga] was so important and is causing quite a stir. Some people are wanting us to get back to the Bible in August and study what God’s Word says about reincarnation, spiritism, etc. That will be great!!!!! You are quite a young woman with God’s strength and truth shining through you…Thank you so much for your Godly talk with us on Sunday.
    Beverly Igo
    Sunrise Methodist Church
    Colorado Springs, CO
  • Ministering the Gospel and feeding the bagels to the poor with Lighting The Way Worldwide was a great blessing to the youth group and me. God showed us a lot. I realized how comfortable we are in Los Angeles suburbia. God took us out of our comfort zone and called us to love people and deny our selfish desires for comfort and be satisfied in sharing God’s gospel of grace with those who need it. God made our youth group praise Him more for their salvation after seeing the blindness of those who are perishing. God planted many seeds of desire to witness in our youth and to stop valuing the things in life that are so temporal. Since we exist to know Jesus Christ and make Him known, we praise God for growing us in understanding and living that out through Lighting The Way Worldwide. God is using this ministry, and I pray that God will exalt His name through all who hear the faithful proclamation of the truth. My youth group wants to serve with them again, and so do I!
    PJ Tibayan
    Youth Pastor, Christian Fellowship Bible Church
    Walnut, CA
  • I did want to write you and let you know what a wonderful time our high school students had. I truly believe this trip made a difference in many of their lives. We had a few of our kids tell their parents that they are going to take their walk with Christ more seriously…I want to thank you for motivating the kids with those memory verses. I was just so proud of every one of them for remembering those verses. Thank you for the gifts you gave our kids.
    Yvette Thomas
    Youth leader, Life Church
    Temecula, CA
  • The Great Commission speaks of going into all the world and telling the Good News of Jesus Christ. What if the world came to you? That is what has happened at Venice Beach on Ocean Front Walk. Lighting The Way ministries, led by Dwayna Litz, exists to share God’s grace to people from all over the world. Lighting The Way seeks not only to share the Gospel with others, but also to provide a platform where the Christian community in Southern CA can join in to be equipped in evangelism, as well. A variety of individuals, students, and church groups have worked the booth and have come away strengthened and challenged…LTW also helps build trust among the beach locals and the vendors for long term relationships. I have had the privilege of discipling one-on-one someone who came to our church, after being invited from LTW. That person has taken off in his walk with God. It is exciting to be a part of Lighting The Way Worldwide, spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ around the world.
    Pastor, Evanston Bible Church
    Evanston, IL
  • When I first met Dwayna I was unemployed and living in a Christian discipleship home. The information she shared that day with me about sound doctrine opened my eyes and increased my faith. It started me in a whole new direction. Afterwards, I was blessed with a great job and my own apartment near the beach. Dwayna’s friendship is a trusted source of inspiration. I helped her feed the homeless and share the Gospel on my days off at the Lighting The Way booth before I moved to China, where I am currently living and doing mission work.
  • I want to thank Dwayna so much for helping me by giving me a Bible and Scriptures to read, especially Psalm 139. She fed me and gave me a great church and fellowship. She helped me stay sober and change my life 100%. The Lord is my life. God bless you, Dwayna. I love you in Christ.
    Santa Monica, CA
  • I am a single mother with four daughters. We live in a motor home, and my daughters met Dwayna on Ocean Front Walk. We have so appreciated her gifts, including the clothing donations to our family. We have enjoyed and learned so much from the commentary of the Gospel of John she gave us.. Thanks to Lighting The Way, we are able to study the Bible every night now as a family.
  • I had been living in Los Angeles for about a month when I met Dwayna at the Lighting The Way table in 2002. I had been looking for a church home and fellowship with other Christians and stopped at her table after noticing the sign she was displaying: “See what God says about your future...for FREE.” She invited me to attend church with her, and I found a new home at her church. LA can be a lonely place, and had it not been for Dwayna and Lighting The Way, I would have not found a church home at the CMA church of Santa Monica where I met some of the wonderful people I now can call my friends. Lighting The Way is a real blessing and much needed addition to the Venice boardwalk. In the presence so many mystics and fortunetellers, it’s refreshing to see people sharing the true Gospel of Jesus Christ with gentleness, love, and respect.
  • I was raised a Moslem. I had heard about Jesus, but no one had ever told me that I was a sinner with no way of earning God’s favor, based on my own effort. Dwayna told me that Jesus died for my sins, and I started to cry. I knew in my heart that it was true. She asked me if I wanted to become a Christian, and I told her that I did. I prayed and asked God to forgive me of my sins. Dwayna gave me a Bible and a devotional and marked certain verses to read. I am looking forward to getting to know the One true God by reading the Bible every day. I am now a Christian, trusting Jesus as my Savior.
  • The world's colleges and universities, even Christian ones, cannot possibly teach wisdom, other than the wisdom of the world which will burn up one day. To fear the Lord is to lay up treasures in heaven, which will not burn. Dwayna, there is much wisdom in what you write that can only come from God and your faith in Him who gives understanding (in many things.) Your attitude and demeanor shows godly grace and compassion....not seen very often among women (and men,) college-educated or not. As you continually abide in Christ, He will direct your paths and bring to you more wisdom, knowledge, and understanding as needed in your work and sanctification. You have and are impacting many people, including me. Your example played a part in me seeking to learn how to truly study the Bible. I've done "Bible study" before, mainly following study guides like the Navigators or whatever my Sunday School class would happen to use. I've been in many different denominations over the years and often times their classes or study guides would only focus on their denominations particular nuaces, like "baptism of the Holy Spirit." But there have been times when I have gone long periods without studying or reading the Bible at all. So in March I asked Jay Wegter for suggestions on Bible study and am going from there.
  • The Venice Beach mission, Lighting The Way, is an oasis following the Bible’s teaching to go out into the market place bearing witness. It shows that impressive buildings and fine clothes are not needed, for His love is everywhere. It gives hope to the fainthearted... and guidance to people who have lost their way, and to those who have never encountered the true word of God, LTW gives the inspiration to go and find out more about Him. The mission helps us to see that God and His love are all around us.
  • I passed by the table several times before stopping. The banner reading “A Free gift for You” got my attention. I spoke with Dwayna for over an hour. She told me all about Jesus and gave me a Bible. I had never prayed before, at the age of 53. I thought much about our conversation. I attended church that night and spoke with Dwayna and her pastor further about becoming a Christian. Now, I’ll never be the same again. I have started reading the Bible I got at the Lighting The Way table every day and telling people about Jesus. I called my daughter in England and said, “Are you sitting down? I have become a Christian.”
  • The day I found the Lighting The Way table, on Ocean Front Walk, my life had gotten hard, and I was thinking about committing suicide. Dwayna, Moran, and Keith prayed with me... I am now attending church regularly, and I no longer have thoughts of suicide. I read the Bible that I got at the Lighting The Way table every day.
  • Dwayna, the CD you sent answered my question (about the Old Covenant and the New Covenant), but it is going to be a blessing beyond measure for a friend. He is very sad right now...He and his wife are coming to dinner today. I will give the CD to him. You are blessed with the Holy Spirit to recall this particular pastor's message to answer my question (about the Passover, comparing the faith of Abraham to the faith of Christians through Jesus), but most of all this will be such a blessing to my friend. Thank you also for the book on Heaven (by Randy Alcorn).
    Bev Wilhelm
    Witnesses for Jesus Ministries
    Colorado Springs, CO
  • Thank you so much for your enthusiasm in serving God. I really enjoyed working with you. By working the LTW booth, I learned that you don't need a tract, survey, or "system" of witnessing, just the Bible. This was one of the best things I've ever learned. Thank you for allowing us to work with you in furthering the Gospel.
    Faith Community Church
    Palmdale, CA
  • I just got back from Venice, and I had a blast! ... It also challenged me to learn about different religions to more effectively reach the lost. Three people listened to me present the gospel message of salvation, and that was just an amazing experience for me! You are an inspiration to us by the way you spend so much of your time and energy with these people you could so easily avoid. Thank you for letting our group come down to minister at Venice. I look forward to working beside you again soon.
    Jennifer McNett
    Faith Community Church
    Palmdale, CA
  • Dear Dwayna, My name is Sam Park, and I stumbled across your blog posts from March 2008 containing your thoughts about godly relationships and about being single. I browsed through just a tiny fraction of your many blog posts and also visited the LTW website, and I was just so encouraged by all that God is doing through you. I'm a senior at USC in Los Angeles, and I know how it feels to have a burden for the lost as I walk through Hollywood and Santa Monica and other parts of LA, or even just every day on campus as I go to my classes. So, to read about the ministries in West Hollywood and Venice fills me with so much joy. Sometimes I feel so small, thinking about how God could possibly reach out to these people, but when I read your story I am so encouraged. I appreciate very much the wisdom you share in your blog entry about how men should lead the relationship, particularly your comparison of men in California to those in New York. To hear it from a woman's perspective...it is something that I will take to heart as I look for a wife. It resonates with me since I've spent my whole life in Southern California and also because I'm Korean (many Asian men tend to be passive). I am learning more and more about what it means to be a man of God...
    Sam Park
    Los Angeles, CA
  • Dear Dwayna, You are one of our Lord's best camouflaged foot soldiers (and generals) for the cause of his kingdom against the powers of darkness. Keep keeping on. Your reward awaits you.
    Cape Town, South Africa
  • Dear Dwayna, The University of TN has an exciting campus with so many young people about to start their adult lives apart from their parents who, more importantly, will decide their spiritual life apart from their parents. The humanists, agnostics, and liberals seem to understand the opportunity to seize the hearts and minds of the naive and confused students. I believe there is no place that has a greater need for apologetics than the college campus. I thank God everyday for people [who] helped me endure the satanic assault I was ill prepared to deal with at the time [I was in college]. No one warned me of the battle that I was to face. Whether it was evolution, ‘German Biblical Criticism’, false religions, New Age, Eastern mysticism, cults, atheism, agnosticism, or the most dangerous ‘Liberal Christianity’, my biblical faith was attacked. It seems like only yesterday, but I saw many students fall from the faith during their college days. The tools you are providing will change people’s lives. I saw satanists become Christians, party animals become pastors, the un-churched become missionaries, and liberals turn into believers. You are doing a good work… God Bless you.
    Scat Springs
  • “Thank you for getting my boys a coat to wear in the winter when they did not have one. Thank you for making sure they have a Christmas gift to open every Christmas and for your prayers and for all you have done for us as our friend. My son normally does not like going to church but he likes your Character Counts Club every Wed. where he gets to learn about God. They are saving their money they are earning from obeying me in your ‘ Honor Your Mother’ program for single mothers, and I give God all of the glory for how their behavior has gotten so much better. Thank you for your love.”
    Jessica (single mother)
    Nashville, TN