Thanks to the movement of "contemplative prayer" many anti-biblical traditions are being accepted and promoted amongst evangelicals. The LTW blog references an insightful article from the Washington Post on this topic here.
We give out tracts to Catholics in our street ministry locations entitled "Scripture vs. Tradition" to explain the Gospel of Jesus Christ and salvation by grace. Despite the apostate movement of contemplative prayer there is still a great divide between Scripture vs. Tradition! Sinners can only thank a precious Savior like Jesus for the blood He shed on the cross.
"It is finished," as Jesus said at His death. He did all of the work, and to add human merit to our salvation and a relationship with Him is to take away from His glory. We are warned in Galatians 1 to stand against heretical counterfeit gospels. Still, many so-called evangelicals are bearing a "new" pious, works-centered, mystic gospel well and its anti-biblical "contemplative" practices.