Read “Did C.S. Lewis go to Heaven?” here as his beliefs are brought to light. The author of the article makes some good points. I guess I never stopped to think that C.S. Lewis was no evangelical and did not want to be named among them. This was due to his beliefs, not personalities, as I am learning now. Why don’t the pastors point this out when they quote Lewis in evangelical arenas? I never knew, until recent independent research, how his own words disparaged his theology.
LTW Testimonails
I just got back from Venice, and I had a blast! ... It also challenged me to learn about different religions to more effectively reach the lost. Three people listened to me present the gospel message of salvation, and that was just an amazing experience for me! You are an inspiration to us by the way you spend so much of your time and energy with these people you could so easily avoid. Thank you for letting our group come down to minister at Venice. I look forward to working beside you again soon.Jennifer McNettFaith Community ChurchPalmdale, CA
I passed by the table several times before stopping. The banner reading “A Free gift for You” got my attention. I spoke with Dwayna for over an hour. She told me all about Jesus and gave me a Bible. I had never prayed before, at the age of 53. I thought much about our conversation. I attended church that night and spoke with Dwayna and her pastor further about becoming a Christian. Now, I’ll never be the same again. I have started reading the Bible I got at the Lighting The Way table every day and telling people about Jesus. I called my daughter in England and said, “Are you sitting down? I have become a Christian.”DonEngland