Outreach Begins!
I have had one of the best days of my life at the new GA Tech outreach. All of the preparation was worth it! God was at work through our outreach there.
I was there from 3:00-7:30. (The team was there until almost midnight working in evangelism.) I have never felt happier or more indebted to God for being willing to use me in such glorious work! I witnessed hard hearts softening today toward Jesus. God used our team to point out to atheist and agnostic students that they were full of FAITH, just faith in themselves. Also, I spoke about music, as I asked how music could have evolved from a fish. One student thought that humans were no better than animals. I asked, “Have you ever known an animal to solve a chemistry equation?”
One of the students admitted to John Rosser, the leader, that he was a relativist. John cannily asked, “Are you sure about that?” He continued, “If you are sure about being a relativist, everything is not relative.”
It was a great day, and God was at work. We have a remarkably strong team of Christians defending the faith in love and truth at this new table outreach location led by John and Lee Rosser. It is exciting!
We have a focus on reaching atheists and agnostics at this outreach location with materials like Why Believe the Bible? Science Confirms the Bible, I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist, Bible-believing Scientists of the Past, and DVDs like “God of Wonders” challenging the theory of evolution vs. Intelligent Design.