New LTW table outreach begins in Oregon! Materials have been shipped to get this off the ground soon in Portland with a banner reading, “ A Free Gift for You” and tracts, books, booklets and Bibles free on the table to anyone who stops seeking answers to life’s questions based on what the Bible teaches. America keeps changing, and sometimes it feels like the days are getting darker, but the light shines brightest in the darkness! God bless Matthew and the team, as we work to see this new ministry begin, spring, summer and fall in Oregon.
LTW Testimonails
Hi Dwayna, Thanks for the info you’ve sent me. We appreciate your trip to our Sunday School class so much. What you had to say [about the New Age Movement and yoga] was so important and is causing quite a stir. Some people are wanting us to get back to the Bible in August and study what God’s Word says about reincarnation, spiritism, etc. That will be great!!!!! You are quite a young woman with God’s strength and truth shining through you…Thank you so much for your Godly talk with us on Sunday.Beverly IgoSunrise Methodist ChurchColorado Springs, CO
“I prayed with you to become a Christian at the Long Island Railroad, at your outreach table in 2013. I said I was ‘trying’ to be a Christian, and you told me it was nothing I could do on my own. Praying to Jesus to save me with you touched my heart to the point of tears, and I have never been the same.”HermanBrooklyn, NY