The Dalai Lama: Who Is This “Man of Peace”?

Sonrise Center for Buddhist Studies invites you to an online glimpse of a multimedia presentation:
The Dalai Lama and the Anatomy of PC Buddhism

Media Description:

A five minute overview of a ten part online multimedia presentation designed by the collaboratory team at Sonrise Center for Buddhist Studies is loosely based upon a chapter written by our Executive Director, James Stephens on "The Dalai Lama and Tibetan Buddhism" for Westmont University Professor Ronald Enroth’s excellent A Guide to New Religious Movements, published by InterVarsity Press in 2005. To view the media, please click the following link:


For more information on the schedule for the ten session online presentation running from March 31-April 12; or how to procure A Guide to New Religious Movements, or for a live presentation, please visit us @ .

The Collaboratory Team
Sonrise Center for Buddhist Studies, INC.
Post Office Box 116
Sierra Madre, CA 91025-0116


I will always treasure the precious memory of witnessing for our Lord with James (who is reading the media piece linked above on the Dalai Lama). We witnessed to the kids against the lies of Buddhism and the Dalai Lama together in Irvine, CA, when America’s public school kids lined up under the demonic prayer flags hanging overhead [waiting to enter the auditorium where the Dalai Lama would be speaking] and were required to address the Dalai Lama as “His Holiness” in 2004…with the Dalai Lama being protected by our government the whole afternoon via the CIA. Afterwards, I gave out booklets of quotes from America’s founding fathers and past presidents on the Bible and Jesus to the students for free to offset the subliminal occult influx on them. It was wonderful to see them sitting on the grass afterwards, waiting on their buses, reading the quotes from our past presidents on a different America culturally.

I also witnessed with James in Pasadena, CA, when this false god addressed as "His Holiness" came to speak. We prayed for the people and had a chance to speak with some of the students afterwards to refute the lies of Buddhism.

(For details on what happened next go to the "Articles" page on the "LTW to the Occult" category to this article. No doubt, we did some good. The following morning was quite something as I heard footsteps coming in my room and had to name the name of Jesus to make the demon leave. Buddhism is highly demonic. The whole time the kids were listening to the Dalai Lama I walked around the place praying and singing hymns quietly, asking God to bring confusion on the kids and not let them understand. I gave out every single quote book I brought with me afterwards to the students….It was an exciting time of victory in the spiritual realm! As the article reads, the Holy Spirit overwhelmed me with His love, after I had that demon come in my room, and I was able to head back out to Venice Beach to witness. Thank God that nothing like that happened again. I knew it had to do with witnessing against the lies of the Dalai Lama and demonic spirits the previous day and giving the kids an opportunity to think about Jesus and the Bible and another culture in America when we were deemed "Christian" as a nation).

Praise the Lord for all He has done and is continuing to do BY THE POWER OF HIS BLOOD.(See 1 John 1:7–this was written to Christians! The original Greek teaches that His blood continues to cleanse us from sin, as Dr. Walter Martin points out in his sermons. A Christian wrote me about this about a year ago and said that Jesus had shed his blood on the cross, and that the power of the blood was gone. Well, if that were true it would sure be a waste of time to sing "There Is Power In The Blood" or "The Blood Will Never Lose Its Power." Praise the Lord, there is still power "in the blood of the Lamb")!

In the riches of His grace toward sinners,


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