"God has His hand on America to bring our nation back into its proper alignment. A major key to making this happen is the formation of the U.S. Apostolic Alliance. Few have the clear, practical vision and the passion for mobilizing our nation’s apostolic and prophetic leaders, region by region, than Apostle Dutch Sheets. I am excited to be a part of Dutch’s apostolic team, and I believe we are going to witness giant steps toward seeing our land reflect the kingdom of God in very near future."
C. Peter Wagner, Presiding Apostle
International Coalition of Apostles
There is a massive re-"alignment" going on in the so-called "apostolic" realm these days, and most of attention is being concentrated on the United States. The focus of this new "alignment" is a virulent new form of patriotic Dominionism, and it is being championed by the charismatic leaders.
C. Peter Wagner’s July 11, 2008 Global Harvest Ministries newsletter was titled "Alignment! Looking toward the Future. " In it he announced that "our desire is that Chuck Pierce, our son in ministry, become the heir to GHM" (Global Harvest Ministries).
Wagner wrote, "A large part of the apostolic ministry to which God has called me is facilitating biblical alignment." One entity created for this purpose of "apostolic alignment" is being called "Global Spheres,Inc. (GSI)." To describe this organization’s operations, Wagner linked it to the recent Lakeland, Florida activities: "One very public example of this is the recent apostolic alignment of Evangelist Todd Bentley with the Revival Alliance." In fact, Wagner and Pierce put their stamp of approval on this whole extravaganza.
This Todd Bentley Lakeland "revival" is being connected with the overall "Dominion" agenda, which Wagner explained in his newsletter as:
"The kingdom of God furnishes the template for our stream. We believe that God’s desire for this season can be discerned through ‘The Dominion Mandate’ and ‘The 7-M Mandate.’ Chuck has laid groundwork through his books, The Future War of the Church and God’s Unfolding Battle Plan. I have been doing the same through The Church in the Workplace and Dominion! We want to provide a viable opportunity for apostolic alignment for leaders who minister in all seven mountains….
Dominionism in America on the Rise
Dominionism in America is also being promoted by a widely circulated "prophecy" posted at http://unknownprophet.dynamicone.cc – (To read this "prophecy," go to Enter Flash Site, press Skip Intro, "CLICK HERE" in the image, and go to "America — The Day and the Hour of Revival Approaches" in the pop-up window).
Printed below are excerpts from this prophecy titled America – The Day and the Hour of Revival Approaches. It is attributed to self-proclaimed prophet Wendy Alec, co-founder (with husband Rory) of God TV. The prophecy was posted on the God TV website as well as on Alec’s own website titled Journal of the Unknown Prophet: Legacy to a Renegade Generation. It has circulated on the Internet and is embraced by numerous Christians—including some prominent Christian leaders—who apparently credit God as its source.
As you will read, the "prophecy" describes an imminent spiritual revival in America and specifically mentions the southern United States, which is commonly referred to as the Bible Belt. It cryptically foretells supernatural visitations, a new anointing and a widespread spiritual awakening among the nation’s youth.
Some believe this prophecy (and a similar one by Alec titled East Coast Revival) is now manifested in the Florida Healing Revival led by Canadian evangelist Todd Bentley (of Fresh Fire Ministries), which is currently underway in Lakeland, Florida. Bentley’s highly publicized services have been held twice a day, seven days a week. A recent news report stated that more than 140,000 people from at least 40 nations have attended the meetings in Lakeland. The services reach many others through live broadcasts aired on God TV and by the Internet. There are claims of healings, spiritual ecstasy and supernatural experiences. Bentley’s ministry, with its emphasis upon mystical, esoteric experiences, visions and angel encounters, is not linked to sound Bible doctrine. It appeals to the spiritually gullible, the greedy, those influenced by false prophets, and those not grounded in the Word of God.
Likewise the prophetic message titled America—despite its spiritual-sounding language borrowed from the Bible (a little truth)—is not inspired of the Holy Spirit. The America message does not line up with true Bible prophecies. It lifts up the efforts of man without acknowledging the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross of Calvary. It appeals to those who hope for revival, but does not present the Gospel message of Salvation. Instead it gives a message about building the kingdom of God on earth. The message is a false prophecy and an abomination in the eyes of the Lord.
Excerpts from the "prophecy" AMERICA – THE DAY AND THE HOUR OF REVIVAL APPROACHES: AMERICA – A NEW SEASON with commentary in red [all emphases added]:, will fill a gap for many who believe in the direction that Chuck, Doris and I are taking into the future, and who desire official alignment with us as their apostolic leaders. We do not want it to be a traditional, religious organization, but rather an aligned network of leaders from all seven spheres that make up societal structures. This is a way that we can do our part toward fulfilling the Dominion Mandate." [emphases and links added]
For the Lord would say – America – beloved America – you stand on the brink of a new season [NOTE: this is a common thread in all false prophecies – claiming that God is doing something "new"] in me – For I have heard the cries of those that hunger – of those that have fallen on their faces before me seeking imploring me for a move of my presence…. [M]y hand shall move across the United States of America for the great outpouring of my Holy Spirit that has yet to fall – [NOTE: This paragraph sets the stage, but sadly the apostate church does not know the Word of the Lord nor can it discern a true outpouring of the Holy Spirit.]
And so beloved I tell you that my presence shall fall from East to West from North to South – and Canada – yes surely Canada shall be a part of this revival says the Lord of Hosts …I AM CALLING MY APOSTLES, MY PROPHETIC EVANGELISTS And now I would address the apostles – Rise Rise Rise up in the nation of America – Apostles – for surely the intercessions and the supplications of the saints have prepared the way for your feet to march and for your hands to build – and the prophets – the voices of my prophets have rent the heavens and now apostles it is time for you to rise and build [NOTE: The biblical apostle or prophet is to preach the Gospel, not march upon or build nations — this is the language of Dominionism] …
[T]here is a new breed of evangelist that rises upon your shores America – and it is you to whom I call forth – for surely although you have seen harvest – the harvest you have reaped has been but a glimmer of what I have birthed in your spirit – but I tell you that even in a moment it shall be – even in a moment – that my breath shall blow and like a whirlwind – a different season and a different dispensation shall fall – and I shall raise up my prophetic evangelists and as they declare – and as they bring forth – so I tell you that my consuming fire shall fall… [This "new breed" concept is not biblical, nor is there an endtime harvest that the church is put in charge of reaping, nor is there a "different season" and "dispensation." Jesus Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever (Heb. 13:8). Satan is the author of confusion, not God!]
THE CONSUMING FIRE OF MY PRESENCE SHALL ROAR ACROSS THE YOUTH OF AMERICA And many many many yes many of them shall be the youth of this nation – for I tell you – there is coming a fire –the consuming fire of my presence that will roar across the YOUTH of the nation of America [NOTE: This is a message about "Joel’s Army," a false end-time focus upon youth. While we all hope for a revival among youth, it is not to create an army, but rather so that they might be saved from their sins.]
…[M]y mighty Generals and Apostles shall join across America in a great and fearsome army of the Lord – And it shall be a new sound [NOTE: A new song is mentioned in the Bible – but it refers to the Millennial Reign of Jesus Christ (Psalms 96:1, 98:1, and 149:1)] … it is the sound of marching – marching – to the step and the sound of the Lord of Hosts. [NOTE: the militaristic language in this prophecy.]
And Prophets – my Prophets –I call you – rise up in this day and in this hour and cry out cry out to America – for the time to demolish the religious strongholds that have bound my people so tightly in their fetters … [NOTE: Who define religious stronghold? How will they be demolished?]
AMERICA – A SHIFT AHEAD – A GREAT SIFTING For I tell you America – that the times and the seasons are changing – and a time of persecution dawns – a time when agendas will rise to the surface – for there comes a shift ahead – a shift in the political arenas in the years ahead – and a great sifting of believers in America will take place … [NOTE: Which believers will be sifted? How? Who will be persecuted and by whom? This "prophecy" foretells a paradigm shift in spirituality.]
[F]or it is time to look OUT America – beyond your cities beyond your towns – Look out Look OUT America – for the nations have need of you – Rise up from the bondage of complacency – for the East cries out to you – and the North travails – and the South calls to you in the spirit – and so my fire shall fall – and from the east Coast to the West and from the West across the seas it shall go – and from the North it shall rise North North even to Russia – it shall burn – and to the South – the South a flame of fire shall rise – [NOTE: The global aspect of this "prophecy" is scary on its face!]
… I shall come towards you in this day yet in a new form – and yes many many many in the new day shall not recognize me – they shall say oh this is not God – but I shall pour out such a spirit of hunger of hunger of hunger upon you – that your desperation for me shall overcome your religious expectation [Look out! This sounds like Antichrist! See Matthew 24:23-28.]
Why are charismatic promoters of hyper-spiritualism and the supernatural seemingly so successful? And why are the predictions of false prophets believed by so many?
The Bible answers those questions in Deuteronomy 13:1-3:
"If there arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of dreams, and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes to pass, whereof he spoke unto you, saying, Let us go after other gods, which you have not known, and let us serve them, you shall not hearken to that prophet or dreamer of dreams: for the LORD your God proves you, to know whether you love the LORD your God with all your heart and with all your soul."
As Scripture affirms, the Lord allows false messengers and sorcerers to succeed for a time to test His people and the sincerity of their love for Him. Those who choose to follow false ways are free to do so, but at their peril. The wise will heed the warning in Deuteronomy and reject all signs, wonders, miracles, and prophecies not based on sound Bible doctrine—even if they look real.
Regrettably many Christians have already moved away from their love of God and properly-placed faith (in the finished work of Christ) to pursue these kinds of false systems warned of in Deuteronomy. They now embrace New Age and pop spirituality, mysticism, the practice of ancient ceremonies, the prosperity gospel, humanistic psychology, the seeker sensitive movement, the cell group/apostolic hierarchy movement and other false ways. Mega-churches that follow business models for church growth fill the pews with thousands on Sundays, but they serve no spiritual food. Many Christians who once knew The Way seek experiences instead of a relationship with Christ.
Much is at stake. Babes in Christ are highly vulnerable to the influences of showy false teachers who claim to hear from God. Mature Christians too are at risk of turning away from The Faith if they choose to abandon sound Biblical doctrine for false ways. And an entire generation of
young people—except for a few who hear and accept the Message of the Cross—is in danger of being lost.
How can Christians avoid falling for man-made pseudo-Christian movements that pervert the Gospel? Christians can steer clear by keeping their faith properly placed in the Lord Jesus Christ (the only Way and object of our faith) and His finished work on the Cross (the sacrifice of His life and the shedding of His Blood on Calvary, which paid for our salvation and for our victorious daily living.)
God still heals the sick, mends broken hearts, and sets free those in Satan’s hold. And He still works miracles today. However a true spiritual move of God is a work of the Holy Spirit. It is not a flamboyant, garish creation of men enabled by evil spirits. Nor is it an aggressive, marching end-time army building a kingdom here on earth.
For the preaching of the Cross is to them who perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the Power of God. (I Corinthians 1:18)
We are grateful to J. Flood for the majority of thoughts in this post.